How to TRAIN Your Employees for Cyber Security

Cyber security is as important as your business strategies. A minor fault and you will lose your all data. Over the time, many firms in Singapore have faced cyber assaults. Sometimes, the attack is caused by the negligence of your employees. They might click on the malicious links or use their infected USB devices on your systems. Or the devices they work on are easily accessible to others.

So, you need to train them for cyber security. Here’s how…

Create Robust Security Policies:

You are required to plan a security policy to cover acceptable and secure use of the organization’s systems. It can range in size from a single one sheet overview to 40 page document that covers everything from keeping a scanned system to network security. The policy should be clear and accessible to everyone in your organization. Besides, it should define roles and responsibilities for the maintenance, enforcing, training and controls.

Organize Regular Sessions:

The problem with documented policies is that they are read once and never looked at again. In this scenario, delivering seminars and short bursts of training is an efficient way to keep them engaged, informed and interested in cyber security. From creating a strong password to promote a safe use of devices, your cyber security sessions should cover everything.

Make sure to make the session engaging by asking for their direct involvement. You can support your points by demonstrating how cybercrimes affect businesses and steal information.

Talk regularly to them about cybersecurity. These small interactions along with training session ensure that they will keep the lessons in mind for longer.

Encourage Your Other Departments Too:

Cyber security training is meant for all designations across your business. Even your IT personals should be the part of this training. This is because they look after your sensitive data and have administrative access, making them on radar of the hackers and cyber criminals.

Tell them the Worst Effects of Cyber Attack:

Explain them how cyber-attacks can cost both your business reputation and data with real life examples. Put the scenarios like what could happen if they left their laptop in the park or sharing work documents over an open Wi-Fi network in a local store. Tell them the risks of sharing crucial information on social media. This is because most employees don’t realize how they are harming your business unintentionally through every day practices.

See If they Put the Things into Practice:

Are they practicing the things essential for cyber security? Do they follow the guidelines? Testing and reviewing your employee’s knowledge and vigilance is important. For example, you can send them a fake mails to see how many will click on the links and provide info. You can show these results in your seminar or training sessions, without revealing the names of the employees who opened the fake phishing emails.

Alert Them to the Dangers of Social Engineering:

Social engineering is one of the main routes a hacker can use to invade your company’s sensitive data. These attacks come in a wide range of forms, but each has one thing in common—they take an advantage of human curiosity.

Such attacks are often launched by manipulative attackers who target employees by building up a false sense of trust. Even they don’t let them doubt that there is something wrong at the bottom.

Phishing is one of the common types of social engineering attack. In phishing attack, an employee receives an email which seems trustworthy as it can be from your company’s bank or head office. It was designed in a way so that it looks legitimate and genuine, leaving a user with no clue to its authenticity. Then, this email includes an apparently authentic and secure URL which the user is asked to click on. It redirects the user to the website which resembles the site of the trusted entity, where he is asked to provide login credentials. In this way, a user’s confidential information is exposed to the attacker.

It is worth to mention that not all social engineering attacks are executed online. An attacker can insert infected USB drive into your systems after entering your premises. Make sure your employees are aware of the suspicious messages and check them twice and they don’t share personal and corporate information online. Apart from that, they should report the authority on seeing someone suspicious in the premises.

With the help of these tips, you can create awareness across your business about cyber security. Don’t impose the rules on your employees. Instead, evoke a sense of ownership among them so they are self-motivated to do the things.

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