How Singapore Can Improve Cyber Security? Mr. Loon Explains

Singapore has become the global business hub. Over the past few decades, many big companies have invested and established their headquarters here. Besides supporting the businesses, Singapore government is looking serious to develop a secure environment to prevent cybercrimes.

In November 2015, IDC speculated that annual government budget for cyber security can be raised from 2 percent to 5 percent.

We think Chin Loon, Senior Director at GovTech Singapore, is the appropriate person for discussing over government’s initiative to improve the cyber security in the nation. In his recent interview published in MIS, Mr. Loon stresses on public awareness, reinforcing the IT infrastructure and working with other public agencies to prevent the threats. According to him, one security breach can cost the entire internet system of the nation badly. In his words, “Singapore is a small country and the repercussions of any single major event may be felt much more than perhaps a country with huge borders and coastlines.More importantly, as a country with one of the highest internet penetration rate, coupled with the trust that citizens have in the government, one cyber breach is one too many.”

He further said that cybercriminals are after the personal data, thus, there is a need to take cyber security more seriously than ever. Based on the Chin Loon’s interview published in MIS, we reach to the following points to improve the cyber security environment in the nation as our conclusion.

Balance of Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability

Chin Loon also spoke on the challenges they have to face to create the secure environment. “We need to find a balance between the user’s needs, the organisation’s needs, as well as have a view of the macro cybersecurity landscape. As a government, we also need to think beyond the traditional concepts of Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA). We have to also balance usability against cost with security.  The right pragmatic balance of these 3 parameters is becoming more and more important.”

So, it means that there is a balance to be maintained between users and organization need on the perimeters of confidentiality, integrity and availability.

User Awareness and Improvement in Software and Hardware:

Loon said that user awareness is very important to prevent the hacking and virus/malware. Apart from that, there is a need of improvement in software and hardware.

Role of GovTech is Very Important:

Loon also thinks that GovTech has to play crucial role in reinforcing the cyber security system in the nation. It creates policies and standards to safeguard the digital infrastructure, services and platforms within governmental bodies. GovTech is also working with Cyber Security Agency and public agencies to identify the challenges and related solutions as well.

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